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All-on-4 Implant Bridge



1.  What are "Implant-Teeth in a Day"?

"Implant-Teeth in a Day"  refers to the process of receiving a full set of teeth in one day.  The technique involves attaching a full bridge onto 4-6 implants (ALL-on-4)  at the same time the implants are installed in the jaw.  The patient is able to leave the office with "fixed" teeth rather than a removable denture.       

2.  Who would benefit?

Individuals who have generally good health are candidates for this procedure.  A patient with hopeless teeth due to decay or periodontal disease would typically receive full dentures after the teeth are extracted.  However,  the ``Implant-Teeth in a Day`` process can provide rigidly secured teeth rather than a removable temporary set of teeth.  The healing period is often much more comfortable for the patient.

Patients with existing full dentures that are interested in ``fixed`` bridges can also be candidates for this process.  The amount of remaining bone in the jaw is important to the number, location and position of the implants.    

3.  What happens?

The procedure involves creating the prosthetic teeth prior to the surgery.  On the day of surgery, the implant surgeon will remove the existing teeth and install atleast 4 implants.  The team at Prosthodonics on Chamberlain will then attach the prosthesis to the implants.  The total procedure will take several hours and occurs at the surgeons office.  The procedure of prosthetic teeth attached to implants is therefore an ``immediate``  technique.

The following days and weeks are extremely critical for eating very soft foods.   It is important that no pressure be applied to the healing implants. 


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